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Section 1 - Your Inner Buddha
Lecture 01 - Meeting Your Inner Buddha (21:16)
Lecture 02 - Using Your Inner Buddha (25:49)
Lecture 03 - Inner and Outer Silence and Noise - Part 1 (10:23)
Lecture 04 - Inner and Outer Silence and Noise - Part 2 (22:12)
Lecture 05 - Gratitude opens your heart (17:10)
Lecture 06 - The Five Hindrances (7:10)
Lecture 07 - Summary of Section 1 (8:25)
Lecture 08 - Guided Meditation 1 (28:51)
Lecture 09 - Final Quiz Section 1
Section 2 - The Body
Lecture 01 - The First Foundation of Mindfulness (11:59)
Lecture 02 - Meditation in 3 Positions - part 1 (29:12)
Lecture 03 - Meditation in 3 Positions - part 2 (9:59)
Lecture 04 - The Inner Body (22:11)
Lecture 05 - Narrative and Experiencial Focus (5:41)
Lecture 06 - Your Personal Practice, part 1 - The Space (4:53)
Lecture 07 - Summary of Section 2 (12:22)
Lecture 08 - Guided Meditation 2 (32:28)
Lecture 09 - Final Quiz Section 2
Section 3 - The Posture
Lecture 01 - Sitting Meditation Postures (25:49)
Lecture 02 - Comparing Meditation Postures (6:16)
Lecture 03 - Deep Relaxation (36:21)
Lecture 04 - Self Healing (21:02)
Lecture 05 - The Structure of TALO-Meditation (14:52)
Lecture 06 - Your Personal Practice, part 2 - The Time (22:50)
Lecture 07 - Summary of Section 3 (15:52)
Lecture 08 - Guided Meditation 3 (39:36)
Lecture 09 - Final Quiz Section 3
Section 4 - Breathing
Lecture 01 - Why do we concentrate on breathing? (4:28)
Lecture 02 - How do we concentrate on breathing? (35:31)
Lecture 03 - Breathing and Interbeing (27:29)
Lecture 04 - The 7 Points of Your Breathing Cycle (15:52)
Lecture 05 - The Three Stages of TALO-Meditation (10:42)
Lecture 06 - Anapanasati - Buddhas Teaching about Mindfulness of Breathing (18:47)
Lecture 07 - Summary of Section 4 (17:58)
Lecture 08 - Guided Meditation 4 (25:53)
Lecture 09 - Final Quiz Section 4
Lecture 03 - Meditation in 3 Positions - part 2
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